This site was created by volunteers for the political party "Dimiourgia, Xana!" as a space for the presentation of his positions and views.

It offers a platform for electronic networking, expression and creative reflection to any individual member or non-member of the party, provided good-will mood and the civilized expression of his ideas according to the rules of the forum. Comments and reviews appear on the site but in no way express "Dimiourgia, Xana!" but only commentators. We always reserve the right not to post or delete criticisms that are malicious, abusive or unrelated to the subject in which they were posted.

We have no responsibility whatsoever for actions organized or planned by site users in their social networking sites.

This web site is being developed and maintained exclusively by a group of volunteers, unmarried. Every effort is made to provide all pages, services, choices and contents without interruption, but we can not guarantee that there will be no failures or errors.

We take all necessary measures to prevent viruses or other malicious software from hosting the site or the servers hosting it, but we can not guarantee the results.

The creators of this website reserve the right to temporarily or permanently discontinue its operation for any reason whatsoever. In this case, they are not responsible for any loss of data, texts, photographs, etc. posted by a user.

The site may, among other things, support frequently asked questions, communication capabilities, advertisements, banners, polls and political messages at points chosen by its managers.

There is room for posting articles from members and friends of the party which are published after approval by the administrators. The author assumes responsibility for securing the copyright of his work, but also for being original and not plagiaristic. The publication is granted by the author automatically the right of their free use on the site.

Any articles, members, friends or others are published are personal views of their writers and enrich the dialogue. Under no circumstances are Dimiourgia, Xana's official positions, These are in the "Posts" category, in "Press Releases" and "News of Dimiourgia, Xana!".